A large part of determining parenting arrangements in a child custody case is determining how the major decisions affecting the child’s life will be handled. Not all cases will be appropriate for joint decision-making. Parents should carefully consider their child’s … Continue reading
Quaw Law Centre Blog
Common-law couples and separation in British Columbia
British Columbia couples who are in common-law relationships have the same rights as married couples, but this is not necessarily the case throughout the rest of the country. Based on a court ruling in British Columbia on March 18, 2013, … Continue reading
Mediation gaining popularity in British Columbia
Family mediation is becoming a more popular option than litigation because it is both affordable and effective, according to its practitioners. Canadian lawmakers have embraced the trend by passing the Family Law Act, which became effective in March 2013. The … Continue reading
Child support and the disclosure of income
Deciding upon the level of child support that may be needed in British Columbia can sometimes be a difficult matter. In cases where child support is called for, one or both parents may be required to provide proof of income … Continue reading
Developing a parenting plan
Parents who are going through a divorce or separation in British Columbia may need to create a written document called a parenting plan. Although parents can develop a parenting plan by themselves, lawyers, mediators or social workers may be needed … Continue reading