The unique legal challenges of polyamory

As you may know, Canadian family laws have been adapted many times in the past, such as to accommodate same sex and common law couples. However, according to recent research conducted by the Canadian National Research Institute for Law and the Family, the law may have to make another change. This time around polyamory is at the forefront.

If you aren’t familiar with this term, it’s easy to understand. A polyamorist is a person who commits him- or herself to more than one committed partner at the same time.

According to the survey of approximately 550 people, the highest concentration of polyamorists live in Ontario and B.C.

Is polyamory the same as polygamy? This is where many people get confused, as they believe these two are exactly the same. However, there are a few key differences. For instance, polygamy is where one person is married to more than one spouse. However, with polyamory, this isn’t the case as nobody is married to more than one person at the same time.

While it’s easy to believe that divorce is the easiest way to put an end to a polyamorous marriage, there’s more to this than meets the eye.

Since polyamory is legal, it can be difficult for people in this type of relationship to understand their legal rights. For this reason, matters of divorce and property division can become complex in the future.

In the years to come, it will be interesting to see if Canadian family laws change to accommodate polyamorous relationships. If you’re involved in this type of relationship, be sure to learn more about the legal impact it could have in the future.

Source: CBC News, “Canadian polyamorists face unique legal challenges, research reveals,” Alison Crawford, Sep. 14, 2016

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