Child support and undue hardship

Are you required to make child support payments? If so, you know one thing to be true: you have to pay in full and on time every month.

While it goes without saying that you want to do the right thing by supporting your child, there may come a time when you are no longer able to make the required payment.

If you find yourself in this position, it may be time to request a variation by proving that you’re facing an undue hardship. This can be related to a variety of financial circumstances, such as:

  • A high level of debt.
  • Support payments being made to children from a past marriage or relationship.
  • High expenses incurred when visiting the child.
  • Support for a sick or disabled individual.

The court won’t adjust your child support obligation for no reason. Instead, you’ll need to prove that you are facing a serious financial concern, such as one of those detailed above. If you’re successful in doing so, you may be able to pay less in child support for the meantime.

Since there is a lot that goes into proving an undue hardship, you don’t want to tackle this challenge on your own. Instead, you should consult with a family law attorney who knows how to approach this matter with the court.

At our law firm, we know that paying child support can be difficult. We do our best to ensure that every client knows his or her rights and is able to settle into a situation that works for them and their money.

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