The challenges of high asset property division

A divorce is always difficult on all parties involved. There are many challenges for both partners, including matters of property division.

In the event of a high asset divorce, the entire situation can become even more complex. As a result, the divorce process can drag on as both parties fight for what they believe they have a right to receive.

Property division laws remain the same regardless of value, however, it goes without saying that things get much more complicated when a couple has significant assets.

Here are some of the many assets that can complicate property division:

  • Business assets
  • Personal real estate
  • Commercial real estate
  • Pensions and other forms of retirement savings
  • Financial portfolios
  • Stock options
  • Vehicles, including cars, planes, and boats
  • Intellectual property

Along with the above, high asset property division can also be accompanied by disagreements in regards to spousal support. If one partner earned all the money while the other stayed home to raise the family, it may lead to a situation in which the non-professional individual requests alimony.

Are you concerned about high asset property division? Are you worried that you will miss out on the property you should receive? If you find yourself facing these fears, don’t hesitate to contact us for advice.

We know that this can be a difficult time in your life. We also know there are steps you can take to make things better. If you are tired of being scared, contact us via phone or online to setup a consultation. This will help you clear your mind and feel better about the divorce process.

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