When two people get divorced, it can put grandparents in a tough spot. They still want to see their grandchildren, but they may feel awkward if their own child does not get custody, and they may not know exactly what rights they have in this new arrangement.
To a large degree, the parents have a say in what the grandparents’ rights will be, and these things can be addressed in the child guardianship agreement. In most cases, the agreement will say that grandparents can still see their grandchildren, and the courts, which are trying to rule with the best interests of the child in mind, will go along with it.
Now, if the guardianship agreement does not give the grandparents the ability to see their grandchildren, there are a few options. The first one is that the grandparents can sit down with the parents and try to come to a new agreement, which can then be made official once it is settled upon. Both sides can work together toward this end.
If the parents still do not allow the grandparents to be involved, the grandparents can then try to get a court order on their own. If given out, this may force the parents to allow them to interact with their grandchildren. Once again, the court will look at the child’s best interests, so each case is considered on an individual basis, and no specific outcome is a given.
To find out what you can do to see your grandchildren in British Columbia, please check out our site, and you can learn more about how you should proceed.